Thursday 8 September 2011

Booking Through Thursday (3)

What are you reading now?

I am currently reading The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting.

Would you recommend it?

Right now? Yes I would as I'm really enjoying it, however I've just gotten to the part where several other reviewers have commented that the book has gone downhill so my opinion may change.

And what’s next?

I'm not entirely sure. It's a toss up between Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick and City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. I'm going to signings with both authors next month and want to be up-to-date before I go. What do you guys think I should read first?


  1. My vote goes to City of Bones. Clary seems a far more "hands on" heroine then Nora in my opinion. Kinda have a bias against characters who don't really "do" anything... Sorry. ;)

  2. I've heard good things about both hush, hush and City of Bones. . . but would have to say I want to read Bones more so that's my vote, :)

    House Millar - BTT


  3. I haven't read either of them, but have heard a lot about both. I will look forward to reading what you think no matter which one you go with first. My BTT

  4. I hope the book doesn't disappoint you. It is hard to block out what others said though.

  5. Body Finder sounds intriguing.

  6. I'm planning to read The Body Finder next month!

    My BTT

  7. Thanks for commenting guys :) Looks like City of Bones is winning so far. I'll check again once I'm done with the Body Finder and then read the most popular book.

  8. The cover to The Body Finder calls to me.

  9. I really enjoyed City of Bones. Actually I loved the entire series. I just started Hush Hush and it is great so far. Tough Choice.

  10. Thanks for commenting guys :) Looks like City of Bones is up first.

  11. I'd probably say go with City of Bones (which it looks like you've already committed to that one, lol). I read Hush Hush and it was ok, but I had a few issues with it.

    Have a great weekend!

  12. City of Bones has been in my TBR since forever!
    Let me know watcha think and eventually I will get to it!!!

  13. Yep - City of Bones had more votes than Hush, Hush so I'm reading it at the moment. Hush, Hush I'll probably get to next week.

    @HelgaMarie - I'm almost done so look for the review in the next couple of days :)


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