Thursday 15 September 2011

Booking Through Thursday (4)

Have you ever finished a book and loved it so much you went right back and started re-reading it again?

(And obviously, if so, we want titles!)

Not really. There have been books I've finished and I've known that I'll re-read them, and others where I've gone out to buy the rest of the series straight away but I've never re-read straight after. There are so many awesome books out there that I usually have my next read lined up before I'm even halfway through my current one!


  1. I've tried lining up my next read, but that never works. It all depends on how the last book made me feel.

    Here's my answer:

  2. I can understand that people don't instantly re-read.

    I also know what it's like to go through "moods" over what I want to read.

    Pre-planning my reading can be pretty dicey. ;)

  3. Thanks for commenting guys :) I do usually have my next book lined up, but occasionally things mean I change my mind - like today. I was planning on reading City of Ashes next, but I'm going away tomorrow so I'm probably going to pass on that till I get home.

  4. Here's mine:


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